Perhaps one of the most useful and powerful streaming features to have been introduced is screen sharing. By sharing your screen directly with your viewers, you introduce a new dimension in your stream which helps you communicate your purpose and message loud and clear. Our live streaming platform Flutin Live has recently added this incredible feature in its list. So, let’s take a look at how you can use this screen sharing platform to optimize your streams. 

A Deep Dive Into The Effective Use Of Screen Sharing By Various Content Creators

Today when globalisation and digitalization have joined hands together, screen sharing platforms have emerged as the necessary evolution to take live streams to the next level. It not only enhances the effectiveness of the stream but also makes it more convenient for users and viewers alike. Considering the vast potential of screen sharing, the live streaming platform Flutin Live has introduced this phenomenal feature to enhance streamers’ experience. Let’s take a quick look at how various creators can use this handy tool. 

1. Gamers

Streaming video games are usually taken up by experienced professionals or one who knows the technology behind it. Apart from the regular streaming requirements, you also need a high quality monitor, necessary streaming controls and the right gaming software. 

screen sharing feature for gamers

Screen sharing eliminates the need for all these extra hardware and software. Now, any gaming aficionado can join the bandwagon with regular streaming setup. By sharing your screen (which will essentially display your games to the viewers), you save a lot of time as well as money. 

2. Motivational Speakers

Let’s face it – no one signs up to watch a person speak for 20-30 minutes non-stop regardless of how important the subject is. It’s also not a great idea to fill your speech with jokes and puns – that takes away from the purpose of the stream.

motivational speaker can use screen sharing feature of Flutin Live

Unless you’re an exceptional speaker for whom capturing people’s attention comes naturally, you need external aid. And screen sharing is an inexpensive solution to keep viewers engaged in your stream. You can display short videos or pictorial presentations to make your stream more impactful and memorable. 

3. Trainers

The pandemic has pushed all kinds of people to take to the virtual world. And trainers are no exception. From choreographers to fitness coaches, live sessions are being conducted all over the world to keep the momentum of learning going. 

Yoga Trainers gym trainers can make the most out of screen sharing feature

Screen sharing can certainly help you make your sessions smoother. How? Well, you can record your segment previously, play it while streaming and explain the lesson to your viewers whilst ensuring that they do it the right way. Thus, you can conduct your stream without being out of breath or losing the effectiveness of a class. 

4. Video Editors/Photographers

video editors and photographers live streaming tool

Now you must be wondering how video editors or photographers would stream their content. By sharing their screens, they can talk about the artistic aspects of video editing or photography, share their own videos and photos, give insightful tips with examples as well as interact with the audience to solve their queries. 

5. Reaction Video Streamers

make joke of reaction video

Reaction videos are all the rage these days. People love watching other people show emotional reactions to clips or videos that they enjoy themselves. From music videos and gaming videos to compilation clips of all kinds, the popularity of such streams has reached insane new heights. If you love watching content and are great at giving reactions, you can easily take it to your stream, share your screen and react in real time. 

live streaming platform flutin live

Screen sharing is truly a revolutionary feature whose use extends beyond official or corporate purposes. It not only is a time saving tool but also saves a whole lot of money which would have otherwise been spent on acquiring the required software and equipment. Try it out yourself on Flutin Live to experience the next age of streaming.

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