Tag: Content Strategy

live streaming content plan

Live streaming content plan 101: How to create a foolproof live content strategy to stream like a pro

Live streaming has become a household phenomenon – people are either watching it or doing it. It is quickly replacing traditional sources of entertainment and redefining the era of engagement and interaction. However, live streaming is not like a magic pill that can bring you success overnight. You need a proper content strategy and content plan in place to make your streams successful. Today, we are going to give you a few tips on how to create a solid live streaming content plan.

Live Streaming Content Plan 101: How To Create A Foolproof Live Content Strategy To Stream Like A Pro

Ever since the pandemic hit us, people have fully realized the potential of live streaming in connecting with audiences seamlessly across the world. From mega-celebrities to small streamers, everyone’s in on the game. However, unplanned events are never a success. To ensure maximum impact, you need to have a smart content strategy and content plan in place. Here are some most important factors to keep in mind while developing your live streaming content plan.

1. Know Your Audience

Know your audience content strategy

The purpose of your streams is to attract and engage your target audience. Thus, it’s your viewers whom you need to keep in mind while creating a streaming plan. The streaming platform you use might offer you demographic details about your viewers. You can utilize this data to understand what type of streams are more successful among various groups of people, how long they usually stay tuned to your streams, how actively they participate, etc.

2. Prepare A General Flow

It would be seemingly impossible to plan every move you are going to make during your live streams. Besides, such an attempt makes your streams rigid and boring. Instead, have a general layout of the things you are going to do while streaming. For instance, a singer might start with his or her prepared performances, then take requests from viewers and conclude with a fun Q&A session. 

3. Pick The Right Streaming Platform

Streaming Platform Social Media

It’s always wise to decide beforehand where you are going to stream and let your viewers know accordingly. Surprise live streams might be fun once or twice but doing it frequently would only create a negative image on your audience. Today, you can multistream to various platforms simultaneously in order to reach your followers on all your social media channels.

4. Nail The Timing

Know which time zones the majority of your viewers belong to. This can help you decide the best time to go live. After all, you don’t want to be streaming with no live audience to interact with.

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5. Follow A Schedule

Content Strategy Live Streaming

Like we mentioned above, catching your viewers off guard every time is not a good idea. Besides, more than half of your viewers will miss your stream, which would defeat your entire goal. It’s always best to schedule your live streams and follow them diligently so that your audience knows when and where to find you.

Now that you know the tips to stream successfully with a content plan, head over to Flutin to try these out for yourself and see the results.