Your live stream’s success could depend on how well you optimize your broadcasts. Search is the starting point of 68% of all online experiences, and 61% of marketers say SEO generates more leads than any other strategy. For search engines to pay attention to your video content, it’s obvious that you need to pay attention to video optimization and have a few video SEO tips up your sleeves. Where can you find these SEO tips? Why worry when we are here! Read on to discover some pro video SEO tips that will grant you an edge over other streamers in the industry. 

These days, live stream videos dominate the Internet. The qualities of the medium are being leveraged by both creators and businesses alike, attracting both casual and dedicated audiences with great success. Digital marketing staples such as product explainer videos, social videos, and online tutorials have become vital for all kinds of marketing brands and products. However, you need to know certain video SEO tips to ensure that your content is available to the right audiences at the right time. This may sound simple but there are more to SEO tips than meets the eye. Read on to discover the importance of live stream optimization and some pro video SEO tips to boost your online presence. 

Live Stream SEO: What is it and why do you need it?

Search engine optimization for live videos entails optimizing them for higher rankings in search results. When determining search rankings, algorithms can watch videos and take into consideration their content. Optimizing your live videos for search engines requires that you focus on what goes into them. 

Live streams are a proven method for growing a loyal, engaged audience. But, here are a few reasons why you should be considering knowing some live video SEO tips:

  • Improved website ranking : You can enhance your live streams to increase viewers as well as drive more traffic to your website by using a well-planned and executed SEO strategy.
  • Boost in organic traffic : Furthermore, a live video SEO strategy can supplement your other SEO efforts. The more keywords you include in your live video transcription, the more text search engines can index. Thus, live videos can improve organic traffic if they are paired with the right web content.
  • Lower website bounce rates : Videos are preferred over text by most internet users. You’ll likely keep your website visitors engaged by embedding your live streaming on your website. As a result, the bounce rate is lowered and your website’s SEO rankings can be improved.

Live Video SEO Tips To Remember

You need to consider the platform on which you post your live video to truly optimize it for search engines. Regardless of the video-sharing platform you use, here are some general live stream SEO tips that will boost your presence in the virtual world.

SEO tips for live streaming

1. Carry Out An Extensive Keyword Research

Keyword research is necessary for optimizing any type of content. Find out what keywords are used by your target audience to access your content. If you develop content based on those keywords and incorporate them into your live video, you will definitely witness an improvement in your stream’s performance in terms of rankings and viewership. You should also incorporate your keywords into the stream’s title and description.

2. Come Up With Catchy Stream Titles

Each live video should have a relevant and interesting title. You may feel lazy and just give your stream some typical title like “Live Event”. This would not be a problem for your followers, as they know when and where you intend to go live. Those who are not familiar with your brand, however, might not be interested in watching this. Put a short description in the title of your live stream, and also indicate what kind of content you will be streaming (Q&A, product unboxing, coaching classes, tutorials, etc.). 

3. Create An Ideal Description

Most platforms allow you to add a description whenever you schedule or start a live stream. Here, you can describe your video in an accurate, enticing way and add a keyword to capture attention. You can use this information to inform your viewers about the content and value they can gain from your live video. You can add calls to action (CTAs) to your description after the stream ends. For instance, if you want to post a replay after the stream ends, be sure to add a link to your website, social media, etc. 

4. Conduct Your Live Stream Scheduling Well In Advance

Scheduling your live streams in advance is one way to increase their popularity. Share your event on social media and tell your viewers when you’re broadcasting. This would enable your audience to be free around the time you’d be broadcasting and watching your session live. 

5. Create And Post Live Stream Teasers

It is important to build excitement before you go live. To build anticipation for your live event, post a teaser video on your social media accounts following the scheduling of your event. Don’t forget to optimize such teaser videos by adding the researched keywords in their titles and descriptions.

Live Stream Optimization SEO Tips

6. Promote Your Stream On Your Social Media Channels

Wouldn’t it be better to go live on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, and Twitter as well at the same time?  Streaming live doesn’t have to be limited to one platform. Your stream should be available on the platforms your viewers prefer. When you have the right tools, you can live stream on multiple platforms at once (in other words multistream) and expand your potential reach exponentially.

These were some of the general live video SEO tips to get you started. So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Flutin and try these tips out yourself.

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